Friday, April 15, 2005

such sadness

so today was danielle's last day...

that makes me sad. i don't want to get all sappy here on the internet for everyone to see, but i know that i'll miss danielle. i have enjoyed the last--actually, i can't say that i know how long it has been that we've worked together... it seems like i don't remember her not working at the shop. i've learned a bunch from danielle and, hopefully, have helped her to learn a thing or two. although i wish she didn't have to go, i'm excited for all the adventures she'll have out in san fran. travel, experience, good stuff.

vota por summer. in other news, i'm watching napoleon dynamite in spanish right now. i was told that it must be done. i don't speak spanish well. at all. the entertainment comes from the voices they chose for the characters in the movie and how these other actors interpret the script. yeah, it is a very strange must-see for any napoleon fan.

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